Sunday, February 01, 2015


Hello February!

I can barely describe what a tumultuous time I've had since I last posted.

I started my new job back in September, and it's been an absolute roller-coaster from day one. I finally know how it feels to have a "proper" job. I work 8 and a half hours (at least...) a day, 5 days (at least) a week (with the occasional weekend shift thrown in for good measure) and still manage to look after myself, my husband, our home and our animals. Nick has gone back to Uni to do a full-time Master's degree which means that we've had to find someone to look after Sully dog on days when we're both out all day. We found a wonderful lady who lives just around the corner who loves him to pieces, but it's quite expensive, and a large chunk out of my weekly wage. I feel like an actual grown-up now that I'm working to pay for things that need paid for because I'm working... what a twisted, difficult world we live in!

My husband and I decided not to set any specific new year's resolutions this year. Instead, we made a list of things we'd like to achieve and areas of our life we'd like to improve upon. For instance, Nick is working towards a Distinction in his degree and is now in charge of kitchen duties, and I'm drinking less and keeping on top of our mountains of washing. After a lovely low-key Christmas I felt like I had a real chance of a fresh start this January. A chance to make every decision the best one possible, to let go of mistakes and painful memories, to make more time for myself and for my family and to make this year happy, healthy and wholesome. I decided to give this year a hashtag, to remind myself every day that 2015 will be #brightandshiny.

Little things mean a lot. 
Little things like never going to work with chipped nail polish, taking the time to put on lipstick, heels and perfume or driving home knowing your husband will be waiting with a hot dinner for you. My little space at work is filled with heart-felt gifts, lucky charms and pictures of loves ones. My little bank card now has "Mrs Holvast" pride of place in permanent print. Little moments of solitude add up to hours of serenity. 
These little things are making me shine brightly this year; more brightly than ever before.

It's pretty good.

What is making your year #brightandshiny so far? 
I'd love to hear about your little things! Here are a few snapshots of mine.

CH x


  1. Awww I love the pictures in this post! I love your dog, he's so cute! I want to bake now too.


    1. Thanks! Can't wait to do my next #brightandshiny post about my latest adventures.

      Hope baking goes well :) x
