Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Colour Diaries | Limited Collection Makeup Brushes

Welcome back lovely readers!

Welcome to the first of my new series of themed posts - The Colour Diaries - all based on beautiful things that I have bought, or already own, that I adore simply because of the colour, which to be honest, is pretty much everything in my home...

I'm starting this series with a beautiful spring product that I bought weeks and weeks ago, and have been waiting for new makeup to use.

Take a look at these stunning Limited Collection Makeup Brushes from Marks and Spencer:

Limited Collection Makeup Brushes

Monday, May 04, 2015

#brightandshiny: April

Welcome back lovely readers! 
I hope you've all enjoyed your bank holiday weekend, I know I have. Lots of family fun and relaxation, great food and all prepped for another week ahead.

April was another steady month for us Holvasts. We've been working incredibly hard and making massive amounts of effort to keep our daily and weekly routines as seamless as possible. Obviously, something always comes up, but we seem to be in a much better place now to handle whatever comes our way.

Saturday, May 02, 2015

My Rosy Shades

Welcome back lovely readers!

I hope you're all enjoying your bank holiday weekend, and sincere apologies to those who are working. I've been there, I know.

I want to share some pictures with you to show you how my hair has changed since the big pink. I was hoping that the colour would fade, but I didn't expect it to actually last so long! It's kept its vibrancy for weeks, and the water is still running ever so slightly pink when I shampoo. The highlights started to shine through a while ago, and now the ends are a beautiful dusky rose colour which I simply adore!

I'm totally used to my girly colour now, after weeks of doing double takes in the mirror, and getting used to some strange staring at the office. I'm enjoying wearing some different colours too, like the lilac tee in this pic from Primark, which is a colour I would never have normally gone for. I finally enjoy wearing black too; I used to think it made my hair look dull and dirty, but not anymore! I'm also embracing my super pale skin, which seems so much more chic with a pink frame to show it off.

Would any of you consider a vibrant hair colour? Or even a drastic change from your natural shade? I'd love to hear from you!

Til next time, CH x